Aren't Product Backlog Items just User Stories?

Aren't Product Backlog Items just User Stories?

So just what is a product backlog item in the Scrum framework? One of the Scrum artifacts is the Product Backlog.  A Product Backlog Item, or PBI, is similar to the intent of the user story. It was a place to note conversations that needed to be held with the Product Owner and anyone else necessary to flush out more information about the item. As conversations are held, results of those conversations can be added to the PBI in plain old words. No prescription necessary!

ScrumMaster Certification: Answering Crucial Questions – What's A Self-Organizing Team?

In the first two parts of this four-part series, we addressed the broad question of “Why Get Certified?” and how a Certified Scrum Master (CSM) can help an organization transition from a project-based to a product-based organization.  In this post, we examine a unique aspect of the Scrum Framework – a self-organizing team and the role that a ScrumMaster can play in helping the Team become self-organizing.

Accountability Layers

In the ocean (as marine biologist and Tom Clancy fans well know) there is a point where warm surface water and cold water from below meet. It’s called the Thermocline layer. It’s where the heat from the sun can’t sufficiently heat the water relative to the cooling currents from below.