More with LeSS: Who's on the Scrum Development Team?

More with LeSS: Who's on the Scrum Development Team?

In the first two posts in this series, we explored how to identify the product and how to identify the Product Owner. If you missed these tips, check them out HERE.

Now let’s say you have effectively identified both the Product and the Product Owner. How do you identify the Development Team? Or in the case of BIG products, which this series is focused on, how do you identify multiple Development Teams?

What is a ScrumMaster?

What is a ScrumMaster?

In a recent Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) course, a student new to Scrum was a bit confused by the repeated reference to the ScrumMaster as a “coach”.  “What do you mean coaching or when does this coaching happen?” was the question raised.

ScrumMaster Certification: Answering Crucial Questions – Isn't a ScrumMaster just a Project Manager by Another Name?

In prior posts in this series, we have examined a number of crucial questions regarding the Scrum Framework and the role that a ScrumMaster plays in addressing them.  We conclude this series with an overview of how the role of ScrumMaster differs from that of a traditional Project Manager.

ScrumMaster Certification: Answering Crucial Questions – What's A Self-Organizing Team?

In the first two parts of this four-part series, we addressed the broad question of “Why Get Certified?” and how a Certified Scrum Master (CSM) can help an organization transition from a project-based to a product-based organization.  In this post, we examine a unique aspect of the Scrum Framework – a self-organizing team and the role that a ScrumMaster can play in helping the Team become self-organizing.