How to "DeScale" Scrum- it's not what you think.

How to "DeScale" Scrum- it's not what you think.

This post is the first in a series highlighting the steps that organizations skip when they rush to adopt Scrum. Yet they are critical to “scale” Scrum. The first step skipped, of course, is realizing that the organization doesn’t get bigger- it "descales." A framework for descaling the organization with Scrum described in this series is Large Scale Scrum (LeSS):

A New Definition of Insanity – Why Certified ScrumMaster Training?

In Certified ScrumMaster courses I find myself using the old saying “The Definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”. Agile approaches such as Scrum are completely different ways of doing work. Yet so many organizations today do not understand this.