ScrumMaster Certification: Answering Crucial Questions – What's a Product?

In the first part of this four-part series, we addressed the broad question of “Why Get Scrum Certified?”  However, there are benefits to obtaining your CertifiedScrum Master (CSM) certification beyond just learning the rules of the game.  It also allows you to answer crucial questions using the Scrum Framework.

Accountability Layers

In the ocean (as marine biologist and Tom Clancy fans well know) there is a point where warm surface water and cold water from below meet. It’s called the Thermocline layer. It’s where the heat from the sun can’t sufficiently heat the water relative to the cooling currents from below.

Do Good Scrum – It's Time To Focus

I do not intend to inflict harm on any kittens.  Quite the contrary!  I love the furry little creatures so much that I want to protect them.  And I love Scrum. I really love it when people do good scrum. It is a results oriented process that can deliver business results much more quickly than traditional methods.  If used as directed.

Avoiding "CAP" with Scrum Training

One of the most common questions, we at Collaborative Leadership Team (a Certified Agile Consultancy in Minneapolis, MN ) receive when coaching or training clients on Scrum is, “What does Scrum say about that?” or “How can going through Scrum Training help that?”  In this case, “that” refers to any number of topics including, but not limited to, job titles, compensation, organizational structures and reporting relationships.